Throughout history, the most important has been the division into surgical and internal medicine specialties.
Surgery is medical treatment provided through an opening in the body. Traditionally, this meant making a large incision to perform the procedure, but advances in technology allow for making a few small (less than 1 centimeter)
The operation is carried out as a Day case, usually with you asleep, although the occasional patient might prefer local anaesthesia. We use TIVA at the Cadogan Clinic, which is safe and reliable.
The operation is carried out as a Day case, usually with you asleep, although the occasional patient might prefer local anaesthesia. We use TIVA at the Cadogan Clinic, which is safe and reliable.
โรงพยาบาลลีเอนจาง - Lienjang Plastic
Bellagel smooth fine 5,000,000 won
Motiva 8,000,000 won
ไม่รวมภาษี 10%